Sakshi Gallery

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor

January 11, 2021 - February 28, 2021

Chintan UpadhyayGwenda ChiHG ArunkumarHimmat ShahKiki SmithLakshman Rao KotturuManjunath KamathMithu SenNaiza KhanRaj KumarRajendra TikuRekha RodwittiyaRemen Chopra W. Van Der Vaart.Riyas KomuSafaa ErruasSakshi GuptaSamanta Batra MehtaSiddhartha KararwalTayeba Begum LipiVinod DarozVivek Vilasini
Lakshman Rao Kotturu | Untitled | 2020 | Steel, GI wire, Mesh, Wood & Paint | Monkey: 24 x 35 x 11 Inches | Watermelon: 9.5 x 17.75 x 6 InchesLakshman Rao Kotturu | Dil Mange More | 2020 | G.I. wire, steel, mesh & brass | 44 x 20 x 13 InchesManjunath Kamath | Untitled | 2011 | Watercolour on paper. 30 Units | 3.5 X 5 Inches eachNaiza Khan | Untitled | Galvanised steel and suede leather | 35.5 (h) x 19 (L) x 9 (w) InchesH. G. Arunkumar | Untitled | 2016 | Fibreglass, silver foil, pigment with clear paint. Limited Edition: 3 of 6 | 17.5(h) x 31(w) x 14(d) inchesH. G. Arunkumar | Untitled. | 2014 | Papier mache, cement and graphite | 12 H X 20 W X 8 D InchesRiyas Komu | The Lost Resonance (Blood Red Series) | 2005 | Wood, Metal and Automotive Paint | Display area: 65 (h) x 254 (w) x 28 (d) InchesRiyas Komu | Still the white looks bigger | 2007 | Wood & Automotive Paint (Set of 2) | White work: 17.5 Inches Dia. Black work: 18.5 Inches DiaRekha Rodwittiya | The Guarded Megalopolis of the Feminine Heart | 2012-13 | Painted wood, oil paint, varnish, hinges and wheels | 83(H) x 72(W) x 1.5(D) InchesRekha Rodwittiya | Dream Text | 2011-12 | Wood, Acrylic Paint, Varnish, Fibre Glass, Popular stickers, Acrylic Paint, Varnish. Limited Edition: 3 of 3 | 24 (h) x 18 (w) x 7 (d) InchesVivek Vilasini | Study After Recruiting Station | 2018 | Mild steel | 46 x 50 InchesRemen Chopra W. Van Der Vaart. | Wordless wonder 4 | 2015  | C print & drawing on glass & paper – 7 Units | Display area: 72 (h) x 122 (w) x 3.5 (d) InchesRaj Kumar | Untitled | 2003 | Wood | 77.5 (h) x 11.5 (w) InchesSakshi Gupta | Strange Beginning I | 2014 | Concrete, Stainless steel & bird feather | 63 (h) x 17(d) x 17 (w) InchesTayeba Begum Lipi | Untitled | 2010 | Fabric, razor blades, steel paper clips, steel hangers. 5 units | 76 (h) x 16 (w) x 8.5 (d) Inches eachSiddhartha Kararwal | Still Chewing | 2017 | Fiberglass | Sculpture size: 76 (h) x 28.5 (w) x 29 (d) InchesKiki Smith | Moth | 1996 | Woodcut, collage with handcoloring . Limited Edition: 37 of 42 | 29 x 21.5 InchesSafaa Erruas | Flora | 2009 | Metalic wire, needles on canvas | 36 x 48 InchesSamanta Batra Mehta | The sum total of our existence | 2013 | Decoupage on wood – 9 Units | VariableHimmat Shah | Untitled | 1993 | Bronze. Limited edition 1 of 9 | 11(H) x 8(W) x 6(D) InchesVinod Daroz | Lotus pond | 2001 | Painted Ceramic | 14.5 (Dia) x 7.25 (h) InchesRajendra Tiku | Untitled | 2007 | Bronze and gold foil. Limited Edition: 1 of 4 | 10.5(h) x 9(w) x 9(d) InchesGwenda Chi | Untitled | 2008 | Painted Terracotta | 13 x 4.5 InchesMithu Sen | Untitled | 2002 | Mixed Media | 67 x 19 InchesChintan Upadhyay | Nature God | 2010 | Acrylic on brass with wooden base | 15(H) x 9.5(W) x 8(D) InchesChintan Upadhyay | Nature God | 2010 | Acrylic on brass with wooden base | 15 x 9.5 x 8 InchesChintan Upadhyay | Nature God | 2010 | Acrylic on brass with wooden base | 15 x 9.5 x 8 InchesChintan Upadhyay | Nature God | 2010 | Acrylic on brass with wooden base | 15 x 9.5 x 8 InchesChintan Upadhyay | Nature God | 2010 | Acrylic on brass with wooden base | 15 x 9.5 x 8 Inches